Easley Exercise and Manipulation May Help Get Water into Disc
Water is essential to the body. The body is composed of around 50% water. The spinal disc has about 80% water. Disc degeneration involves the loss of water and disc hydration. Chiropractic takes care of disc problems like disc degeneration with various approaches. Exercise assists water diffusion into the disc. Spinal manipulation boosts diffusion of water into the disc. Drinking water can’t hurt either! Young Chiropractic implements spinal manipulation to help our spine pain patients experiencing Easley back pain and neck pain and related arm and leg pain and suggests exercise to boost the effects of spinal manipulation to take care of the spinal disc.
Can exercise help the intervertebral disc in non-specific low back pain sufferers? Researchers described how muscles, tendons and bone do respond positively, so they turned to the disc to see if it does. One new study made use of imaging to find out. On T2-weighted MRI imaging after 6 months of exercise in the patient with non specific low back pain, the researchers didn’t find a benefit; however, at 3 months the imaging exhibited increased L5S1 diffusion coefficients. They stated that other types of low back pain sufferers may respond differently. (1) That’s noteworthy. The increased 'apparent diffusion coefficients' is promising yet when we read other articles about diffusion of water into the disc. Wong described that non-specific low back pain patients who responded with greater than 30% relief to spinal manipulation therapy compared with non-responders demonstrated a higher apparent diffusion coefficient for diffusion of water into the disc. (2) If exercise can enhance that even a bit, it has a place in back and neck pain management. At the very least, a Easley back pain sufferer may well increase the odds of responding to conservative care by maximizing the water content of disc with exercise and spinal manipulation!
Studies of manual therapy and traction effects on the intervertebral disc in back pain patients demonstrated that there is an effect on the physiology (the structure and function) of the disc primarily via water diffusion and molecular transport. Both of these are important for a healthy disc. (3) Beattie stated that changes in the water diffusion within the the L1-2, L2-3, and L5S1 discs were seen after only one treatment of spinal manipulation. (4) Young Chiropractic uses the gentle distraction treatment called Cox Technic spinal manipulation to create a push-pull-pumping effect on the disc and its endplates to encourage imbibition of fluid into the disc help our Easley spine pain patients.
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Listen to this PODCAST with Dr. James Cox on The Back Doctors Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson as he further describes the process of disc degeneration and how Cox® Technic Flexion Distraction helps in its care via manipulation.
Schedule your Easley chiropractic appointment now. Your body survives on water. Disc degeneration is a loss of water. Young Chiropractic guides Easley chiropractic patients toward healthier discs with spinal manipulation and exercise to coost water content.